Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let's talk food this week, ladies. What's everyone eating these days? Any new go-to snacks or recipes? 10/08/2012

If you use rice milk as a dairy substitute or consume a lot of rice, are you worried about the reports about arsenic in rice? 10/01/2012

Have you lost a lot of weight on the MSPI diet? Is anyone having trouble with losing too much weight? 9/24/2012

Has following the MSPI diet changed your view of food in general? 9/17/2012

Does your LO have any other medical conditions? Eczema, reflux, etc? 9/10/2012

If you've introduced solids to LO's diet, how is it going? Are you worried about them having other intolerances due to being MSPI? If you haven't intro'd solids yet, do you plan to do anything differently since LO is MSPI? 8/27/2012

If your LO has a rough day/night, is your first instinct to scrutinize what you've eaten lately and wonder if you slipped up somewhere? 8/20/2012

Do you know anyone else IRL who is dealing with MSPI? 8/13/2012

Have you tried any new recipes lately or found any new go-to snacks? 7/30/2012

Do you think you'll continue to eat dairy and/or soy free once you no longer have to be on the MSPI diet? 7/23/2012

Have you had any particularly good (or bad) experiences eating out while on the MSPI diet? 7/16/2012

Have you tried any hypoallergenic formulas? If so, what ones have you tried and how did LO do? 7/9/2012

Let's do a free for all this week. If you have any questions about MSPI, post them here and if you have an answer, feel free to reply. Or if you have anything you want to share about your MSPI experience, post it here. 7/2/2012

Do you avoid soybean oil and/or soy lecithin? 6/25/2012

Let's do an update of sorts. How long have you been on the MSPI diet and how is your LO doing now? Have you been able to add any dairy/soy back into your diet yet? 6/18/2012

If you take vitamins, what kind do you take? (A couple people have asked about vitamins recently, so I thought I'd ask that here). Do you take any other dietary supplements besides vitamins? 6/11/2012

Have you tried any new recipes lately? 6/4/2012

Do you or your DH have a history of food allergies in your family? 5/28/2012

What have you been surprised to find that you can eat on the MSPI diet? 5/21/2012

How has your supply held up while on the MSPI diet? If you've had supply trouble, has anything worked to help bring it up? 5/14/2012

Had you heard of MSPI prior to going through this with your LO? 5/7/2012

What are some resources you've used to learn about MSPI/the MSPI diet? And how was everyone's weekend? 4/30/2012

Are your friends/family/pediatricians supportive of you continuing to bf or did they recommend switching to formula? 4/23/2012

What are some things you were surprised to find contained dairy and/or soy in them? And unrelated to MSPI - How was everyone's weekend? 4/16/2012

What is one of your go-to recipes or snacks? Where are some places you have found MSPI friendly recipes? 4/9/2012

First Check-In (Intro's) - 4/2/2012